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Our Tenant Participation

The main document which informs how we consult with our tenants is the Tenant Participation Strategy. Please find below the current version of our Strategy.

Opportunities for Tenant Participation

We aim to provide a range of flexible options which give tenants choice and opportunities to be involved with us. It is particularly important to provide flexibility given the diversity of all tenants’ needs, aspirations and circumstances.

Out with our governing body, we currently have three main ways in which tenants can become involved in what we do. It is very important that any form of tenant participation is independent from Craigdale in order to enable tenants to properly scrutinise the work that we do.

These participation opportunities are listed below and further details on how you can be part of any of these groups can be found in our Tenant Participation Strategy.

1.Registered Tenant Organisations

Registered Tenant Organisations (RTOs) are independent constituted organisations which meet regularly and report progress to residents at their Annual General Meeting. At the moment (September 2020) we do not have any RTOs, but the option is there for tenants and residents to form a constituted group. If an RTO was formed we would provide support.

2.The Craigdale Tenants Panel

We created a new Tenants Panel in 2020 to develop and formalise our approach to tenant scrutiny. The Tenant Panel is responsible for working independently to scrutinise our performance. Our panel will be made up of interested tenants and will retain a membership of between 4 and 8 tenants. We will encourage new members and have created a Tenant Information pack to outline the remit, roles and responsibilities together with a code of conduct.

We will encourage membership and see the opportunity to develop potential Craigdale Board members through our Tenants Panel.

The overall aims of the panel are to:

  • work on behalf of tenants, and in partnership with our staff, to achieve improvements to services provided;
  • strive, through investigation, analysis and discussion, in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration, to achieve the best service performance and value for money possible; and
  • increase tenant influence in decision making and the strategic and operational development of services
  • consider the ways to engage with tenants and plan our activities throughout the year
  • participate in consultation events
  • taking part in ‘Walkabouts’ with tenants/staff to ensure high standards are being met
  • influence our investment priorities based on tenants needs

Tenant scrutiny of services and governance is a key part of this Strategy and will build on the culture of collaboration and partnership between tenants, staff and the Board. The Tenant Panel will work to ensure that Craigdale’s Annual Return on the Charter matches tenants’ reality of the service by using evidence they gather independently.

3. Tenants Consultation Register

Joining a tenants' and residents' association does not suit every tenant so we have created a consultation register of actively interested tenants who would like to be consulted on issues which may affect them, including policy reviews.

In addition to the above there are lots of more informal ways to get involved, such as:

  • Taking part in surveys or consultations by post, email, Web, in person or via the telephone
  • Attending Public meetings, conferences and seminars
  • Open days/ exhibitions/ road shows
  • Becoming a member of Craigdale
  • Taking part in our community events, or
  • Simply by contacting Craigdale with any concerns, suggestions or ideas regarding our services

We will always aim to offer a variety of participation opportunities to suit different lifestyles, personal circumstances and capabilities.